The Nerd and the Diva

You could hear the click-clack of high-heeled stilettos from a mile away as she walked through the hallways to her class. The sharp tapping on the polished, marble tiles drawing attention from by-standers as they looked up from whatever they were doing to witness their school’s very own Femme Fatale on her way to education, or rather, a long gossip session. She sashayed away to glory, confidence erupting from every pore in her body, smirking with satisfaction as she saw awed faces all around her. Her raven hair swung low at her cinched waist, contrasting with her creamy-white complexion. Her wide, nearly translucent green eyes were framed by thick, long lashes that brushed the top of her cheeks when she blinked. They were sheltered by delicately-arched eyebrows. Her button nose crinkled with distaste whenever she saw bad fashion choices and mud, because one ruined her mood and the other ruined her Pradas. Her full, plush lips harboured a dirty secret, the reason why she rarely ever smiled openly – a chipped incisor, the bane of her existence, which was why one would always see her laughing with her mouth covered by dainty, manicured hand with her nails buffed to perfection. She wore a short, bell-sleeved t-shirt with distressed shorts. That’s right, she made the fashion statements around in school. Armed with a purse full of her emergency make-up, she entered her class and glided to her seat. She immediately took out her compact and started powdering her nose, paying no attention to anybody. Her make-up calls were infinitely more important than that assignment that was due that day. “Duh!” in her words. After finishing off with her mascara, she finally turned around and looked at him.

The Nerd, destined to be jerked around in high-school and subjected to all forms of torture for having what most of the rest seemed to lack. But not this one. He, like most clichéd nerds, had glasses that framed his basic, brown eyes. Thick eyebrows and a mane of mahogany hair, his most striking feature. A roman nose and thin lips sat on his square-jawed face. He was tall, lanky and awkward – the whole package. Everything he seemed to do was awkward. Even now, as he sat with his nose buried in the latest mystery novel, he sat hunched, closed off from the outside world, lost in fantasy. He sported a band t-shirt and faded jeans – most of the time, he wasn’t even aware of what he wore. There was one thing that everyone could agree on about him – he was their saviour. Their Messiah, one could say. Trouble with homework? He’s there. Don’t understand that complicated Mathematics concept? He’s there. Needless to say, they valued him. All the girls described him as “cute, but in a dorky sort of way,” But that ‘dorky sort of way’ seemed to work for the most unexpected girl. She finally turned around and looked at him. The Nerd. She smiled at him as he smiled back shyly.

The Nerd and the Diva – an unlikely love affair.

Ashna Saxena Written by:


  1. Dhvani Shah
    April 28, 2018

    This is best descriptive text i have ever read…It is just so pleasing…

    Beautifully written Ashna…😍👌👌👏👏

  2. sachin verma
    April 29, 2018

    Yeh dil maange more…short stories, poems or travelog….

  3. Pruthvi Shah
    April 29, 2018

    The description of the two characters is so realistic! Loved it!!

  4. Khushee Chauhan
    June 8, 2018

    Dayumm girl. Love the description, maybe continue the story?? Your writing is intriguing even thiugh the storyline is sort of cliched.

  5. Pavitra
    October 17, 2018

    That is probably the best thing I have ever read, no its definitely the best thing I have read in my life.

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